Poor posture can affect your overall health because the nerves surrounding the spinal cord may become pinched after repeated movement. Repetition of poor posture can indeed lead to something more permanent. Technology has created a blind eye to many about their posture and now hunch backs are no longer a subject just for the elderly. Like never before, we are forward necks and even bone spurs on the spine. The official term for this is "Tech Neck".
Because of technology and lack of posture awareness, the SMART Med clinics recommend coming in for a yearly Chiropractic examination to check your posture and your overall health. We welcome all ages. Please fill out the form below or call the office at (301) 585-2225 to make an appointment for a FREE Posture Exam.
Our offices are Covid-19 compliant. This offer is only available at the Silver Spring and Takoma Park locations.
Headaches/Migraines Vision Problems Chronic Fatigue
Carpel Tunnel Sleep Apnea Acid Reflux
Degenerative Disc Disease Vertigo TMJ
Neck Pain Tingling/unusual sensation Shoulder issue
Chronic cough Lower back Sciatica